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Pulmonology & Sleep medicine
It has a very busy bronchoscopy suite consists both video bronchospe and Rigid bronchoscope for all kinds of diagnostic and theraeutic procedures. Therapeutic procedurs performing at Aayush are tracheal and endobronchial stenting, endobronchial electrocautery, foreign body removal from air ways, tumor debulking and bed side bronchoscopy in ICUs.
Pulmonology department has the backing of good thoracic surgery service and doing thoracoscopy, video assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS), Thoracotomy - Lobectomy, penumonectomy and mediastinal tumor surgeries and dealing Thoracic trauma cases with good trauma care team.
Interventional Pulmonology
The department has excellent critical care unit with latest equipment and managing all kinds of respiratory emergencies including severe ARDS, respiratory failure, sepsis and multi organ failure etc.
RICU - Critical Care unit with the latest equipment
E bus (Endobronchial ultrasound) both convex and radial ebus
Critical care services
We have an advanced sleep lab - 32 channel polysomnography and giving excellent care in various sleep disorders diagnosis and management.
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)
Sleep disorders unit
Besides this pulmonology department offers state of the art care in diagnosis and management of lung cancer. This center has facilities to provide both chemotherapy and surgery for thoracic malignancies.
Lung cancer clinic
cranial (aneurysm clipping, AVM excision, etc), spinal (AVM), Carotid endarterectomy, etc.
Advanced PFT Available for Testing
Dilaging absence and restructive disorders
Allergy Clinic
Pulmonology function testing
The department of Pulmonology & Sleep Medicine at Aayush Hospitals, provides comprehensive care for both inpatients and outpatients with pulmonary and sleep problems. The department provides an active patient care service in the following areas.
Outpatient Clinics
The department offers state of the art care for various pulmonary problems like asthma, COPD, Tuberculosis, occupational lung diseases, lung malignancies, etc. Smoking cessation clinics and pulmonary rehabilitation clinics